Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Parents are Remarkable People

I climbed to the top of a mountain to watch the sun set over Anchorage tonight. I refuse to sit home when I can be out doing something productive and healthy. Not to mention, I love to be alone with my thoughts.
I dont know if it was the fact that I was wearing my high school LL Bean track jacket or the fact that I saw many little girls today that reminded me of my own daughter, but I missed her dearly and began thinking about my life and how I got to where I am.

And the thought that came to my mind was,
"My parents are remarkable people."
But the choices they made in the past have directly effected who I am as a person,
how I am as a mother,
how I view relationships and how I see the world.
And quite frankly, I wouldnt want it any other way.

My father, a great craftsman brilliant in his creative design and yankee ingenuity.
My fondest memories of him are listening to him sing and play his guitars.

My mother, the greatest animal lover I know and independent business owner.
As a child thousands of miles away,
I knew I could look up at the moon and know that she was talking to it too.

Tonight, as the sun sets, I am thinking of my own daughter
and wondering what her fondest memories will be
and what she will have to say about me some day.

This was sent to me tonight in my email from

Phillip Ernest.

I read it tonight when I climbed of that mountain.

Be Willing to Give.~
This was a time of decreased momentum from high of energy and emotion,
This is the time the future will bring Us all our dreams of how we know it our lives should be~.
Simplicity and integrity are the keys here.~
If we carefully and simply give our heart to what we know is true.~
Reducing our immediate work load by working together, take the step toward better relationships and fulfillment of your aspirations.~
Time to mend your heart,reflect on your role in relationships~assimilate~
We all most Take responsibility for our own behavior"be Happy"~
Be grateful when nourishment comes from another,but don't let that be your only source.~
If someone is not giving you what you want, for instance, ~
this could be a spiritual reminder to give yourself more of what you need~
Be willing to dive in deep to Create room for you heart to join the Universal Mind.~
Be Willing to Give.~
Remember,giving and receiving are not inherently different.~
To give with love is to receive also. ~
Giving draws love into your world and fans the flames of passion and intimacy.
We have a lot of work to do.
Introduce new activities and ideas into your world~

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